By N.R.Mallery,
A big name in the canned goods world has taken steps against BPA. G.E.T. had covered this topic in ‘Green Tips’ Advice on Avoiding BPA Exposure’ in our Feb. 15, 2012 Issue.
“BPA has been linked in human and animal studies to heart disease, early onset puberty, behavior problems, diabetes and breast cancer. It is found in the urine of 93% of Americans tested” reported the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal on Tuesday, March 6, 2012. The’s headline announced “Campbell’s to cease BPA can lining”, and also that “the Food and Drug Administration is moving toward banning the chemical in all containers”.
So, is it true? Are these cans on the shelves now? G.E.T. contacted Campbell’s to congratulate them on this exciting decision and get the scoop. Here is what we know:
John Faulkner, spokesperson for Campbell’s at the World Headquarters, said he understood the concerns and the company is responding.
“We are aware of the public’s concern about BPA, but finding alternatives is a challenge. We now have some (non-BPA cans) in the marketplace and we are working very hard to transition all of our can linings to BPA alternatives. We have not set a deadline because we do not know how long this will take. And pre-conversion BPA cans will remain in circulation for quite some time. At our earnings conference on 2-17-12 our CFO made public our intention to convert all can linings.”
Faulkner then repeated CFO Craig Owens’ statement.
“I want to comment on a topic that’s received increased attention lately. As you know, BPA or Bisphenol A is widely used in metal food packaging to help preserve and protect food and maintain its nutritional value and quality. We believe that current can packaging is one of the safest options in the world. However, we recognize that there’s been some debate over the use of BPA. The trust we’ve earned from consumers for over 140 years is paramount to us. Because of this, we’ve already started using alternatives to BPA in some of our soup packaging…And we’re working to phase out the use of BPA in the linings of all of our canned products. The cost of this effort is not expected to be material.’”
However, Owens finished with the news that “they will not be identifying BPA free soup varieties vs non BPA free varieties at this time”. They will need to continue to move the BPA cans into consumers’ hands.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel listed brands that do not use BPA: Eden Foods, Muir Glen, Edward & Son, Trader Joe’s, Vital Choice, Wild Planet Foods, Oregon’s Choice Gourmet and Eco Fish.
Even more encouraging, other big names have announced they too will eliminate BPA: Heinz, Hains Celestial Group and ConAgra.
Kudos to Campbell’s for making this transition, as well as other environmental and socially conscious changes they continue to initiate. See the G.E.T. cover story “Largest Solar Installation in the Country: Campbell Soup Is Going Solar” on October 15, 2011.
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