Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere


Monday, April 30th 11am – Solar Panel Dedication

35 solar tracker installation on Rock Point to be officially recognized and celebrated on Monday April 30th, 2012 at 11am.

Senator Bernie Sanders (schedule permitting), Mayor Miro Weinberger, the Right Reverend Thomas Ely, Congressman Peter Welch, Episcopal Bishop of Vermont, C.J. Spirito, Head of Rock Point School, Barbara Grimes of Burlington Electric, Andrew Savage from AllEarth Renewables, and award winning environmentalist Bill McKibben will join with staff, students and friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Vermont and Rock Point School to celebrate and formally dedicate the Rock Point Solar Installation. The event will begin at 11 am with brief remarks from the guests listed above.  Bill McKibben will deliver the keynote address. Following the ceremony there will be an opportunity to tour the solar installation with representatives from AllEarth Renewables of Williston, who manufactured and installed the trackers.  C.J. Spirito and Bishop Ely will also be available at this time for questions.

The solar installation, a joint project between Rock Point School and the Episcopal Diocese of Vermont, currently provides about 65% of the electricity that is used on the property on which the school and diocesan buildings are located. It is an important part of a larger effort to make Rock Point as energy efficient as possible and will also be used as an educational resource to teach our younger friends and neighbors about the many benefits of solar energy.

Both the solar installation and this dedication are very important for Rock Point School and for the Episcopal Diocese of Vermont. Head of School, C.J. Spirito, says, “Having a big celebration with prominent guests helps affirm that we are a meaningful part of greater Burlington and Vermont communities. We are so focused on doing in depth work with a small number of teens, that our efforts have contributed to Rock Point School being part of Burlington’s best kept secret. This celebration spreads the word that we are here and doing good work.”   Bishop Tom Ely says, “I think it is important to celebrate this project with the larger community in part for The Episcopal Church to bear witness to our ministry as stewards of God’s creation and as a visible sign of our commitment to environmental sustainability. We also hope our efforts will encourage others to take positive steps in reducing our carbon footprint and living responsibly upon the earth. This Solar Installation is one important component in our overall commitment to a comprehensive energy policy of conservation, efficiency and use of renewable energy.”

Click here for more information (PDF download: The Rock Point Solar Installation

For more information please contact:
Charlotte Blend at: or 802 863-1104, ext. 21
Anne Brown at: or 802 353-1182

Charlotte Blend
Director of Development
Rock Point School

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