A Local Monument
by Katherine Leversee
The Elm City Brewing Company in Keene, NH, is a monument to the localvore movement. Owned by Debra Rivest, the brewing room, restaurant and pub are all under one roof, and all run with the same intention to think locally and act locally.
The tap handles were made by a local furniture artist. For 2 years Debra supplied the restaurant with eggs from her own chickens. Now, all of the eggs, milk, cheese and maple syrup used in the restaurant come from local producers. The coffee comes from a local, fair-trade roaster only a few blocks away, all water is filtered instead of opting for bottles and Maine Root soft drinks, made with organic fair-trade sugar, are available instead of Coke or Pepsi. Elm City recycles, but is very conscious of packaging and does not carry many bottled products, and always tries to buy fair-trade products.
After the brewing process, all spent grain is sent to a local farmer to feed his livestock. It is also used for compost and fertilizer – a miracle grow for plants. The leftover prep food from the kitchen is divided up among the staff to take home for compost in their own gardens, and all of the used fryilator oil is given to a local resident who filters it and uses it to fuel his car. The kegs are washed and re-used, and patrons use glass growlers to transport beer to their homes. They always come back – and bring their growlers with them!
For more information: www.elmcitybrewing.com
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