Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

CEDF PROJECTS – Final Reports Now Available

Since 2005 the Clean Energy Development Fund has been granting and loaning funds for renewable ener-gy projects. Each funding recipient has been required to write a ἀnal report. All 100+ reports have been compiled and are now available to the public. They cover all the sectors:  biomass, solar, wind, geother-mal, methane digesters, effciency. The projects serve as valuable models and can provide useful context, information and lessons learned for Vermonters who may be interested in a particular subject or project. Below is the list of reports. To get a copy of the report, or to learn more about any of these projects, contact CEDF’s Diane Reynolds at 802-828-4019 or

Click here to read more… ( PDF downlaod ): CEDF Projects

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