Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

Statement on Vermont Yankee Ruling – just not right!

Land of the Free How can this Be ?

WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) issued the flowing statement after a federal judge ruled today that Vermont Yankee may continue to operate despite state efforts to close the 40-year-old reactor:

“The court today has made a decision that is, in my view, wrong on the merits and ripe for appeal. I believe the law is very clear, and that states have the right to reject nuclear power for economic and other non-safety reasons.

“It is inconceivable to me that Entergy can force Vermont to allow continued operation of Vermont Yankee, an aging and problem-plagued nuclear plant, when the people of Vermont want to move aggressively to energy efficiency and sustainable energy.

“Vermont’s laws, which Entergy agreed to abide by when it bought Vermont Yankee, require that Entergy receive a new certificate of public good in order to operate beyond March of 2012. In a very strong 26-4 bipartisan vote, the Vermont Senate voted against allowing Vermont Yankee to receive that certificate. They believed, and I believe, that the continuation of Vermont Yankee in our state is not in the best interest of Vermont.

Allowing Entergy to evade laws they agreed to abide by sets a horrendous precedent which should not be allowed to stand. The state of Vermont and other states must have the right to determine their own energy future.”

Contact: Michael Briggs (202) 224-5141


Vermont Law School has experts available to comment on Judge Murtha’s decision today.

Professor Pat Parenteau can be reached at his office 802-831-1305 and home 802-785-4131.

Professor Cheryl Hanna can be reached on her mobile 802-233-8818.

Their bios for background:

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