Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

NHSAVES.COM – A wealth of Incentive Info

For a more general idea of incentives offered through the NH gas and electric utilities, please refer to:   The mission of NHSAVES is about people in New Hampshire doing the right thing, which means you and your electric utility, working together to save energy, reduce costs, and protect the environment.

They have info for your home:

  • Income eligible – home energy assistance
  • NH Home Performance with
  • ENERGY STAR homes program
  • ENERGY STAR appliances program
  • ENERGY STAR lighting program
  • National Grid Programs
  • Northern Utilities Programs

Info for your business:

  • Small business energy program
  • Large business retrofit program
  • New equipment & construction program

Resource Center:
Participating Utilities & Energy Information for Consumers and Business: Statewide Energy Efficiency Program Call Center: 1-866-266-2420. This automated telephone line offers brief descriptions of all of the statewide energy efficiency programs that are available to your home or business.

On-line Lighting Catalog:
Find many energy saving products you need:

Find your Utility

NH Residential Gas: Home Energy Audit

An in-home energy audit is the first step in making your home more efficient. An audit will determine your current home energy use and provide recommended measures you can make to improve efficiency and save money.

National Grid natural gas customers can request an in-home energy audit by calling:
If you live in a single family home with 1-4 units, please call 1-866-691-1707
If you live in a multifamily building with 5+ units, please call 1-800-889-0096

There is a $100 fee for this service, which includes diagnostic testing for air and duct leakage:

Northern Utilities Programs:

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