Burlington Green Drinks
Presented by Main Street Landing…
Burlington Green Drinks Tuesday July 26, 2011
The sun will be setting. 100+ people will be in the Main Street Landing’s Lake Lobby or on the adjacent & glorious balcony overlooking Lake Champlain. You can be one of these lucky people…all you’ve got to do is be on site Tuesday 07.26.11 from 6-8 pm.
As always, there will be 125 pints of tasty, cold Wolaver’s Organic Beer AT NO COST TO YOU. And, there will be FREE PIROGIS from Pirogi Union, FREE GLUTEN-FREE BAKED GOODS by From The Ground Up, FREE MASSAGES from Sustainable Wellness Massage, & INCREDIBLE PEOPLE.
Tuesday 07.26.11, 6 – 8 pm in the Main Street Landing’s Lake Lobby. Bring your friends, bring your family. Network, mix, mingle…or just sit in the corner eating pirogis & baked goods & drinking beer…either way, see you there!!!
SPONSORS? Oh, yeah…Green Drinks couldn’t happen without them. This month’s sponsor is Vermont’s very own…
AllEarth Renewables
AllEarth Renewables, Inc. is a Vermont company that specializes in the design and manufacture of grid-connected solar renewable energy systems. Their goal is to lessen dependence on nuclear and fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions while creating sustainable, well-paying jobs. Their flagship product, the AllSun Tracker, produces up to 45% more electricity than fixed solar installations of the same size. The largest solar installation in Vermont, a 2.2 Megawatt project with a total of 382 AllSun Trackers, will be commissioned on July 27 in South Burlington…the day after Green Drinks!!!
One of the unique things about AllEarth Renewables is that they not only make a great solar product but have put together turn-key financing solutions to complement the great Federal and State incentives available right now. Their Power Purchase Agreement provides an easy and affordable way to have an AllSun Tracker installed for your home and business.
Finally…a deep bow of respect & gratitude to our sustaining sponsors…
We at Green Drinks Burlington love SEVEN DAYS and recommend you do too. Check them out online at www.7dvt.com & get ‘the Daily 7’ – Vermont’s top stories, delivered to your inbox. Get the day’s most compelling stories across all media – print, radio, TV and web. Sign up today: http://www.7dvt.com/daily7
The MAIN STREET LANDING COMPANY has a sweet new website. Check it out here. Also, Melinda Moulton of Main St Landing sends the following message of the month along: “As the temperatures soar and our Country is burdened with a most unbearable heat wave – and we are perhaps about to head into a dismal economic downturn due to the debt limit, and it seems as the US of A just isn’t leading the World in the areas of economic growth and/or climate change legislation. That said, Vermont is a leader in both. We have proven that Vermont’s views on the environment and our strong permitting rules, as well as our commitment to “localism” has supported the State and made us one of the most successful States in the Nation on so many levels. Here here to Vermont and all of you and the Great work we are doing to stay strong, sensitive, and enlightened.”
The BURLINGTON YOUNG PROFESSIONALS…Join YP’s for a scavenger hunt for Winooski’s Pop-Up Art show. YP’s will race to collect the randomly selected names and titles of VT artists. First team to make it back to the Monkey House, with the correct information, will win a PRIZE! Runners up for most Foursquare “Check –In”s (#btvypgart) or twitter posts and most creative “Check-in” photo will also win a prize. Teams will meet back at the Monkey House for beer and the bar’s Dirty Bird dinner (food is $8, cash only). See http://mnkeyhousemusic.com/calendar/2011-7-27-dirty-bird-followed-by-beat-vison for more information.
Post your team to register! The scavenger hunt is a free event with priceless prizes!
WOLAVER’S ORGANIC ALES: (www.ottercreekbrewing.com/wolavers.html) helps keep Green Drinks going in a big way. For the uninformed, Wolaver’s is: “One of the nation’s original certified organic breweries, Wolaver’s is committed to producing the best beer in the most ecologically sound way.”
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