Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

District Heat Passes in Montpelier!

In a landslide vote, the voters in Montpelier gave the go-ahead for the next step toward expanding the Capitol district heating plant to encompass more of the city, allowing local businesses to join the heating district to save money on heat, while enabling the city control the cost of heat.

Tax payers in the city must be breathing a sigh of relief, knowing that the cost of heating their municipal buildings will stop rising – and thus the share of their taxes devoted to keeping buildings warm will stop rising, too (they might even drop a little).

The existing biomass plant, which has run well for 30 years, already heats the Capitol building and some state offices, now it will serve even more:

“This project would upgrade the state’s existing wood fired central heating plant and expand its service area to City Hall, the Police Station, the Fire Station, Union Elementary School and Montpelier High School. The establishment of this heat distribution route would allow private buildings to be served.”

For a full run-down on the project see the this project web page.

Great job, Montpelier!

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