A recent national survey found something surprising: 18% of US households no longer eat meat on Mondays as part of the Meatless Monday campaign.
But it’s not just individuals and families: Sodhexo, one of the largest institutional food providers in the country ran a trial of Meatless Monday, and it was a tremendous success! They will now be providing a Meatless Monday option to 2,000 institutional clients (hospitals, government offices, large corporations, etc.).
There are many reasons to go meatless, even for one day a week: reducing your cancer risk, reducing your risk of heart disease, aiding weight loss, and saving all the energy that goes into feeding, watering, transporting, processing, and preparing meat for consumption.
If every household in the US skipped meat one day a week, it would be like removing 5 – 8 million cars from the road!
With that in mind, we’re hoping to start providing delicious meatless recipes, courtesy of a guest blogger, each Monday. Stop in, take a look at the great food, and start your family on the path toward better health and sustainability!
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