Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

TODAY is the 50th day that oil has been spilling into the Gulf! Logo

TODAY, June 8th, We’re taking action at hundreds of “Oil Spill Meetups” across the country…

Join an Oil Spill Meetup NEAR YOU! >>

Today is an important day – it marks the 50th day that the oil has been spilling into the Gulf. Does that make you angry? It should, not only because it means that BP didn’t have a plan to stop a disaster of this kind, but also because it lays bare our broken national energy plan. A plan that’s too dependent on dirty, dangerous fossil fuels and not enough on clean, safe energy and efficiency.

Today, thousands of people around the country will gather at Meetups, from Baltimore and Boise to New Orleans and New York and figure out how to move our communities off oil and onto clean energy.

Can you join an oil spill Meetup today >>

Last week, President Obama talked about the need to invest and quickly transition to clean energy in the face of the Gulf disaster. The best way to ensure that a spill like this never happens again is to do just that, but we need more than words – we need our Members of Congress and our communities on the same page, moving towards clean energy that will save our climate, our lives, and our livelihoods.

Join an oil spill Meetup today >>

Thanks for your action, and we hope that you will be inspired today, and continue to keep the drumbeat for clean energy going through June by organizing a Hands Across the Sand event near you on June 26th.

Thanks for your action,

Phil Aroneanu,

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