As a Resident or Business Owner in NH your voice on SB 334 could tip the balance regarding the future of the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS). If passed as written, SB 334 will have a negative impact on the future of New Hampshire’s burgeoning green economy.
PSNH is asking the New Hampshire House of Representatives for permission to fund a single solar energy project in Manchester with funds it is supposed to use to purchase Renewable Energy Certificates or pay into the State’s Renewable Energy Fund(REF).
The REF funds are intended to be available throughout the State for renewable energy projects which benefit residents, small businesses, and municipalities. The funds are vital to the small businesses which are building New Hampshire’s green economy.
The PSNH project, funded via the RPS program, undermines investment in New Hampshire’s small business future.
NHSEA asks that you contact the committee and ask members to vote no on SB 334 because it sets a precedent for improper application of the RPS program and is an unfair use of RPS funds
Contact members of the House Science, Energy and Technology Committee via e-mail:
OR Click Here for complete contact information for the Committee
You can also attend the Committee’s Public Hearing on SB 334
Thursday, April 15 at 1pm in room 304 of the Legislative Office Building.
Some points to consider when contacting Committee Members:
- SB 334 Removes Precious Funds from a Fair, Working Program
- The RPS program leverages action with rebates throughout the state, instead of paying for 100% for a single project in a single community
- The RPS program is on target to provide 1 MW renewable energy for only $2 million, while the proposed project will cost $5 million for the same amount of energy
- In a very short time, the RPS program has led to regular employment of 126 electricians and solar installers, and more than 270 projects across the state
- The PSNH project may produce 60 jobs for one month, at a cost of $1 million per full-time position
- The RPS program provides diverse investments in New Hampshire’s energy future across regions, energy sources, and beneficiaries
Thank you for all you do.
NHSEA 54 Portsmouth Street, Concord, NH 03301
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