Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

Pedestrian and Bicyclist Summit

March 18, 2010
By voice vote in the House chamber, the “Safe Passing” bill (H.540) passed the full House at its third reading. There have been minor adjustments to the language but nothing that concerns us.  The text of the bill as passed is not available electronically yet and not yet posted on the legislature’s web site.  The bill is expected to move to the Senate next week and the Senate Transportation Committee is expected to take up the bill and move it through the committee expeditiously as the Chair (Senator Dick Mazza) indicated earlier in the session.  Once again, it’s important to take nothing for granted.  Things change from moment to moment and much can alter the course of a bill.  The binder with the hundreds of letters that you sent to the House Transportation Committee will make an excellent “Exhibit A” in the Senate Transportation Committee!  Thank you for getting H.540 this far!

Pedestrian and Bicyclist Summit on Sat., March 27 in Burlington.

Bike Summit Poster

Representatives from the VBPC will provide updates on legislation and the recently concluded National Bike Summit in D.C.

Nancy Schulz
VT Bicycle & Pedestrian Coalition

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