A great way to add some personality to your gift is some alternative recycled gift wrapping (you won’t find this at the mall). You’ve probably received, or wrapped yourself, a gift donned in the classic alternative wrapping: the comics section. We love this, especially when you add some twisted yarn for the ribbon with some fresh picked dried weeds from the field. This is a great one, but there are so many other ways to creatively wrap your gifts.
Fit to Print:
Wrap gifts with ads from Top Designers for the elite clothes shopper…
Gift wrap in ads for the new movies for teenagers that are obsessed with the series’ books and movies. They’ll probably like the wrapping paper more than the gift, but hey, when was the last time you could say that about the store-bought Santa paper?
For someone who does a lot of traveling, wrap the gift with the travel section. Or, look for articles on places you or they’ve been or maybe places you or they want to go next. That’s half the fun of it!
Another idea is to use the newspaper page as a hint toward what the gift is. This makes for a fun guessing game, especially for kids.
It is one thing to simply wrap gifts in newspaper, but you can even find some newspaper ribbons creative wrappers have made. You can make curled ribbons of newspaper the same way you’d make them with store-bought ribbons. Just run one blade of a pair of scissors along the ribbon — only be a bit more careful not to let the paper rip.
J-E-L-L-O: DIY Boxes
DIY boxes created from all sorts of packaged foods are great! Try cookies, popcorn or mac and cheese, jello….
On the Menu:
What’s stuffed into your mail box, tossed under your door, thrown in with your dinner and is the perfect size for wrapping books, DVDs and picture frames? Take-out menus, of course. Whether you love Mexican, Chinese, Thai or Indian you probably have far too many of those menus around the house. Try wrapping up your friends’ gifts in their favorite restaurant menus. Read more: http://www.thedailygreen.com/weird-weather/blogs/submit/recycled-alternative-wrapping-paper
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