The Fall issue of G.E.T. is out! Be sure to watch for it in local newsstands, grocery stores, general stores and high traffic areas all around Vermont and a good portion of New Hampshire. We have a lot of new information that you can make to good use. You can also download it right here on this website.. Please let us know your thoughts and you can ask questions about Solar for the ‘Green Guru’, or building naturally to the Natural Builder or questions to the Green Builder. They might be answered in out upcoming Winter Issue (Feb. 5, 2010). We want to make this venue work for you and appreciate your feedback! We hope that it encourages you to to move closer to making Solar and renewable energy part of your life and understand how you can make this happen, because NOW IS the RIGHT TIME to do it! If you have made changes in your life, as a consequence of Green Energy Times, please tell us about it!! … no matter how small of a change or how large!
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