Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

Button Up Vermont Workshop in St. J.

Button Up Vermont Workshop
….. hosted by Tom Manges (751-2312) and Jim Wuertele (748-8813) and
held at St. Johnsbury Academy, in the Black Box Auditorium in Morse Arts Center on November 3rd, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm.

Featuring:  • A “how-to” slide show of about an hour for home owners (and renters too!) with slide print-outs. • Special panel of experts will answer questions on performance, costs, funding, and safety issues. • Many useful documents and other media available to help you choose ways to save energy.

The 30 of those who register will have an opportunity to save $150 on a home energy audit.

Free, with refreshments.

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