There are a lot of reasons for change! You keep reading about the climate change, the environmental issues, our economy, the unstable energy supplies and costs, our carbon footprint, health, comfort, saving money, advanced renewable technologies, incredible incentive programs and tax rebates, green this, green that …. How do you make sense of all of this? How do you process all of this information? What reasonably can be done? Why bother?
Green Energy Times was started to help compile all of this so that it will be easy for you to quit talking – be equipped with the information to help you ‘walk your talk’! We do this by letting you know what is out there that works, that is a reachable goal – examples of those that have accomplished it in their lives, the latest news about renewables available here, where we live. We might not have the information you need for each specific location where all of our readers live, in particular, but the information should be able to lead you to find what you need wherever you live.
To start with the main information I hope you all understand, is the fact that right NOW, “Solar prices are the lowest that you will probably see in the history of mankind” (John Blittersdorf, CV Solar). On top of that is the fact that the incentives and tax rebates are the highest they have ever been, and now with FIT, it is even better, if that is even possible. Maybe I should repeat that!
So, the bottom line is that NOW is the right time to take advantage of what is out there at this very moment and get on the bandwagon as soon as possible!
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