Concentration of CO2 in the Atmosphere

89 Ways to Save the Day

From NYSES (New York Solar Energy Society)

  1. Use your own shopping bags.
  2. Shop near home; support a business.
  3. Join a “CSA” (community sustainable agriculture) for fresh local food.
  4. Buy Fair Trade.
  5. Organic foods save the soil and are better for you.
  6. Eat what’s in season.
  7. Use a refillable water bottle.
  8. Buy in bulk to reduce excess packaging; reuse jars and sacks.
  9. Eat less meat. Livestock accounts for 20% of CO2 gas.
  10. Use cloth for napkins and cleanup.
  11. Wash clothes in cold water.
  12. Only pre-wash dishes if necessary; open the dishwasher door to dry.
  13. Turn off the water while shaving and cleaning teeth; take short showers.
  14. Sunshine to heat water is free.
  15. Use a clothesline or a drying rack.
  16. Organize baking so dishes are together or one right after the other.
  17. Consider very-low-energy appliances.
  18. Use organic, chemical-free cosmetics and shampoos.
  19. Concentrated soaps use less packaging.
  20. Keep the freezer full but the refrigerator with air space.
  21. Use glass storage containers for refrigerated food.
  22. Clean your refrigerator coils.
  23. Take public transportation.
  24. Unload and lighten your car for better mileage.
  25. Keep your car tuned, and tires aligned.
  26. Ride-share, carpool, bike or walk.
  27. Drive a hybrid, diesel, or EV.
  28. Turn lights off when not in use.
  29. Put lights on dimmers or motion sensors.
  30. Switch off devices on standby, such as TVs or computers.
  31. Unplug chargers that are not in use.
  32. Get a library card.
  33. Go toxin-free at home.
  34. Clean with baking soda, 10% vinegar in water, or the new citrus products. Reduce use of bleach and ammonia.
  35. Use a local organic cleaners. Drop off and pick up with a garment bag.
  36. “Hold the plastic!”
  37. Skip hotels’ mini shampoo bottles.
  38. Learn to “square foot”-garden.
  39. Learn to compost, then do it.
  40. Use non-powered tools and mowers.
  41. Catch rainwater in barrels.
  42. Avoid food grown with GMOs.
  43. Shrink the lawn; feed it with compost.
  44. Carry, wash, and reuse plastic utensils.
  45. Ask to be deleted from mailing lists.
  46. Print on two sides of the paper.
  47. Bring unused items to a thrift shop.
  48. Look for swap meets.
  49. Buy things that will last.
  50. Try products made from bamboo: sheets, towels, cutting boards, flooring.
  51. Use tea balls.
  52. Keep your coffee hot in a thermos.
  53. Caulk drafty leaks.
  54. Install ceiling fans; use only as needed.
  55. Remember, LED lamps save money.
  56. Get rid of incandescent bulbs.
  57. Use power strips for easy on-off.
  58. Pack a small carry sack.
  59. Tell your town you want to save energy.
  60. Shield outdoor lights to point light down.
  61. Volunteer at your local park.
  62. Plant a community garden.
  63. Start a community greenhouse.
  64. Purify indoor air with plants.
  65. Build a solar cooker or oven.
  66. Carefully recycle old electronics.
  67. Make old homes more efficient.
  68. Use awnings to cool and protect your furniture from UV light.
  69. Plant deciduous trees for summer shade and winter solar gain.
  70. Fix leaky faucets and toilets.
  71. Buy things that are reusable.
  72. Use solar-powered battery chargers.
  73. Carry a handkerchief or bandana.
  74. Wash diapers in hot water with a bleach substitute; do second rinse with ¾ cup white vinegar.
  75. Coffee shops will refill your mug.
  76. Discuss conservation and sustainability.
  77. Keep your investments green.
  78. Give solar panels as gifts.
  79. Evaluate new appliances and vehicles for efficiency before you buy.
  80. Driving safely saves on gas.
  81. Change snow tires without delay.
  82. Compare fuels to heat efficiently.
  83. Use programmable thermostats.
  84. Keep your hot water temperature turned down. Time your showers.
  85. Insulate pipes well.
  86. If you have a warm-air heating system, consider sealing and insulating it.
  87. There are good low-tech, do-it-yourself ways to air-sealing doors and windows.
  88. There are many cooling options available in addition to air conditioning.
  89. Microwaves are very energy-efficient.

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